It’s Ya Birthday

This past Sunday I had the pleasure — nay the honor — of marking another year on this planet. I turned 32, which has a nice ring to it. I’m not a huge fan of odd-numbered ages, except for the 5’s, which just feel right. 31, at least, was a prime number, sure to make my math-addled dad happy. But if there’s anything my dad likes more than a prime number, it’s a palindrome. Yes, I just wrote that. In honor of the big 3-2, I’m comparing my goals at age 23 vs 32. Here goes:

The Bday Party

Then: Surrounding yourself with as many people as humanly possible, whether you know them or not.

Now: Inviting the least number of people possible to not feel super friendless and sad.


Overarching Ambition in Life

Then: Be the change you want to see in the world.

Now: Be less stressed out all the time.


Career Goals

Then: Get a full-time job, maybe at a major news outlet.

Now: Find work that stimulates me. Or that doesn’t actively infuriate me.

Successful applauding executives sitting at the table

Home Sweet Home

Then: Move out of parents’ house … any day now.

Now: Roommates.



Love Life

Then: Find “the one.”

Now: Stop yelling at “the one” for making you late for dinner.


Then: Never lose touch with these incredible people.

Now: Ditto.

3 thoughts on “It’s Ya Birthday

  1. I can almost relate to the first one. Mine would be “Invite as few people as possible because 1)I don’t have many friends and 2)I don’t want to deal with people.”

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